SAT Test Prep is the Most Valuable Use of Time for High Schooler

Junior and senior years of high school are jam-packed with responsibilities, from homework to sports to after-school jobs to extracurricular activities. Many students feel that their grades and activities will be enough to get them into the school of their choice, but SAT scores are still the main way that colleges filter through the applicant pool. As the following article describes, it is crucial for students to prepare for the SAT test by making the time for SAT test prep.

SAT scores worth the effort

Almost every top university still requires the SAT for acceptance. As much as the modern high school student would like to think he or she can master the college acceptance game through athletic accomplishment, club membership and volunteer work, admissions offices by-and-large still look for some reliable and universal measurement of achievement to stack each student up against their competition.
Along with a student’s grade-point average, an SAT score provides that meter and will likely continue to for some time. If students dedicated just a fraction of the time they spend on Facebook or at private pitching lessons to taking an SAT review class or flipping through one of the many test prep tomes available, their familiarity with the exam would likely improve and their scores could bump up as a result. So it seems it will take the proper effort and recognition of the continued importance of the SAT from educators, high schoolers and their parents to return