SAT Test Prep is the New Norm–Don’t be Left Behind
Posted in College Admission, SAT Test Prep, SAT tutoring
.College Admission is a completely different experience that your parents had; you may apply to upwards of 12 schools, and the competition is ever increasing to get in to the top schools. SAT test prep is a vital ingredient to acceptance, because the SAT test is not a measure of your ability to do well in school, but rather a measure of your understanding and competence on SAT test itself. As the following article states, SAT test prep gives you the opportunity to do your best and stand out from the crowd.
SAT Test: Not Your Big Brother’s Exam
Many people once had the idea that the SAT Test was a measure of intelligence and only needed to be taken once. The idea of SAT Test preparation was unheard of. Nowadays, this is considered to be an outdated concept, and the test is seen as a gauge of skills rather than a measure of intelligence. Students usually take the test several or many time and often use SAT Test preparation booklets, software or courses to prepare for the test. Most colleges do not penalize students who performed poorly on one SAT test and well on another and have the policy of dropping the lowest scores when considering an application for admission. Therefore, many students feel that they have nothing to lose in taking the SAT Test as many times as they wish. Taking the SAT Test nowadays is as much a test of endurance as it is of knowledge.