Boston Exam School

The Boston Latin School

Boston Latin School is a public school that begins in grade 7 and ends in grade 12, making it both a middle and a high school, and it is widely regarded as one of the best schools in the whole country. The classes at Boston Latin School are so challenging that all students leave well prepared to be successful in the future. Some adults who studied at Boston Latin are now multi-millionaires, government officials, and…

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The Boston Latin Academy

Boston Latin Academy is widely known as one of the very best schools in the area. It has a 138-year history of academic excellence with an outstanding rate of college placement. The academy is an inner-city public school serving 1700 economically and culturally diverse students in grades 7-12 from Boston’s many neighborhoods. Simply put, Boston Latin Academy is a vibrant, diverse, and academically rigorous school where the Classics Club is just as popular as the…

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Boston Latin School Controversy

Boston Latin School Controversy Boston Latin School has been in the spotlight recently regarding controversial race issues. Following accusations, Lynne Mooney Teta stepped down as headmaster of Boston Latin School. Though Teta felt that the school was working towards becoming more inclusive, she felt it best to resign as there is major work to be done. Many feel the way that issues surrounding race are handled at Boston schools is the main problem. It appears…

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Exam School Initiative Aims to Increase Diversity

In an effort to increase diversity in Boston’s three exam schools, the Exam School Initiative aims to increase diversity with several changes made to its program this summer. The program, which has been around since 2000, aims to prepare selected students for the rigorous exam which grants students entrance to Boston Latin, Boston Latin Academy, and John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science.   During the 2015-2016 school year, Boston Latin School officials admitted…

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Boston Exam Schools FAQ

Boston Exam Schools FAQ: Deciding where to send you child to school is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are several factors that must be considered in order to send your child to the school that’s best for them. There are often important questions that come up along the way, so the Boston Exam Schools created a frequently asked questions document to assist you. If you have questions like “Is there a wait…

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ISEE Test Day Checklist

It is important to feel prepared on test day in order to succeed. Here is an ISEE Test Day Checklist from to help you get organized and ready to take the test: ISEE Test Day Checklist In order for students to test on November 5th, your child must bring the following materials to the test center: 1. ISEE Test Admission Ticket 2. Student Identification 3. Residency Verification Receipt (not applicable to current Boston Public Schools…

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Applying to the Boston Exam Schools

Here is some information about applying to the Boston Exam Schools: In order to apply to these schools, you must have test scores from the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE), Boston residency, and student grade information. It is important to note when test dates are to ensure your child is prepared for the test. The first ISEE test date for this year is November 5th. If your child is in grades 6, 8, or 9,…

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The Boston Latin Exam 2015

Are you a Boston resident looking for better educational opportunities for your child? Boston Exam Schools provide a top notch education at no cost — the only trick is getting in. There are three exam schools – Boston Latin Academy, Boston Latin Schooland the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science. All three accept new students for grades 7 and 9. The O’Bryant School also accepts a few new students for grade 10. Admission is…

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Boston Latin Exam Prep Is Crucial to Acceptance

The Boston Public School system has three exam schools: Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science. All of these schools take new students entering 7th and 9th grade, while O’Bryant School also accepts new 10th graders. Admission to the Boston exam schools is extremely competitive. The students’ scores on this exam will be the determining factor for admission. Grades are important, but without a very high…

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